전체 글 (42) 썸네일형 리스트형 K-Smile Campaign Traveling a new place, it is often for everyone to ask questions to the other people - especially the locals. It is also not difficult to find ourselves in very awkward situations - people may ignore you, people may give you a blunt answer. When I was traveling, I also had to face a similar situation. While it is understandable that people may be scared of talking with foreigners due to language.. Korea and Me My Article About Pyeongchang Olympics http://www.pudongpress.com/news/pay-attention-to-2018-pyeongchang-olympic Pudong Press is one of the school newspapers in our school, Shanghai American School Pudong Campus. As part of the promotion for the 2018 Pyeongchang Winter Olympic Games (as student ambassador), I decided to write an article about the Olympics. The article generally discusses the impo.. Dokdo, the territory of Korea This is the video that I created to promote this simple fact: "Dokdo is the sovereign territory of Korea." Although this video lasts only for a minute and a half, it includes all the information that you need to know about Dokdo! As the creator of this video, I bet you will clearly understand why Koreans love and seek to protect this small island after watching this short video. Just a little mo.. Why Dokdo is Important to Korea Well, as the Digital Dokdo Ambassador, my role is to promote why Dokdo is the territory of Korea. In fact, there should be no controversy of this island - the Korean government has controlled this island as the sovereign territory since our independence from the Japanese empire. Of course, historically, even before the Japanese invasion, countries in Korean Penninsula had control over this islan.. 나에게 꼭 맞는 영국 심카드는 무엇일까? ㅣ센트비글로벌크루 안녕하세요? 여러분! 센트비 글로벌 크루 1기 전병규입니다. 영국 유학이나 여행을 준비하다보면, 현지 심카드를 구매하게 됩니다. 현지 심카드는 우버나 우버이츠와 같은 현지에서 사용하게 되는 어플들을 사용할 수 있게 해줄 뿐만 아니라, 현지에서 전화 통화와 문자를 상대방과 주고 받고, 카카오톡과 페북과 같은 소셜미디어로 우리의 일상/여행을 남들에게 알리는데 꼭 필요한 만능 키이죠? 영국에는 네 개의 메이저 통신사, O2 / Three / EE / Vodafone 가 존재하지만, 이 네개의 통신사의 회선을 사용하는 수많은 MVNO, 우리나라의 알뜰폰 업체와 비슷한 통신사들이 수없이 존재합니다. 이들 MVNO는 메이저 통신사들과 같은 퀄리티의 서비스를 제공하면서도, 우리의 지갑 걱정은 확 덜어주기에 영국 유학.. Dokdo - Remember the Name I am sure we all know the wartime crimes of Nazi Germany. Through the numerous documentaries, from the World History Class, and the books about World War II, many people in the international community have some knowledge about the Holocaust. When you take a moment, you may even recall several names of the people - especially, Anne Frank, a young girl who became the victim of the Holocaust. In Ya.. Dokdo & Storytelling Japanese government always has claimed Dokdo as their sovereign territory (No offense to my Japanese friends). When you open your textbook, you can see that the ocean between Korea and Japan is named as “The Sea of Japan,” not “East Sea.” Even though “East Sea” had been used more than 2000 years in history and “The Sea of Japan” had been referred to eastern side of Japan, Japanese government (Ac.. Korean Age Korean Age...what is it? It may sound awkward for some of you that there is the name for the "age." Well, in fact, Korean Age refers to the unique age counting system of Korean people. In Korean, we call Korean Age as 한국식 나이 [Hanguksik nai] or 세는 나이 [Seneun nai]. In everyday life, Koreans chiefly use the Korean age - especially when forming a friendship or relationship between people. Of course,.. 이전 1 2 3 4 5 6 다음